Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu Sp. z o.o.

Ice Rink Complex – Rules & Regulations

From October 12th 2018

ul. Strzelecka 24/26

97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki




  1. Ice Rink Complex (further named as the "venue") is a speed skating track and internal ice rink, and is a public facility of the city Tomaszów Mazowiecki, administrated by Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu sp. z o.o. (further named as the "administrator").

  2. The Arena is open according to a schedule approved by The President of the company, available on the website, and in the arena at ul. Strzelecka 24/26 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki.

  3. In case of sport events being organized, the administrator reserves a right to modify the schedule of the Ice Rink Complex.

  4. The surface of the Speed Skating Rink is 5000m2, and it can hold a maximum number of 299 people. Surface of the internal rink is 1800m2, and it can hold a maximum number of around 200 people.

  5. The Administrator reserves a right to part or close specified sections of The Ice Rink Complex in case of organizing sport events, or organized groups causing impossibility of an access to those parts by the users.

  6. Before entering The Ice Rink Complex, users must familiarize with these Rules and Regulations, and strictly apply them.

  7. Users of The Ice Rink Complex must apply to directions and commands from the staff of the venue.

  8. People who disturb the public order, and do not apply to the rules & regulations, or the directions from the Administrators' staff will be removed from the building with no right to refund, regardless of possible referral of the case to criminal proceedings.

  9. In the venue there's a prohibition of:

  • Using sticks, hockey pucks, and other items that may be considered a threat against other users of The Arena. Using aforementioned items is allowed only within an organized group courses. In case of a private courses, it is allowed only after obtaining a permission from The Administrator of The Arena, and only after previous installation of bands suitable for hockey sports, and only in the specified section of The Arena.

  • Using a speed skating skates during public ice rink for the individual people, except for the time designed for the club & individual practices of athletes.

  • Taking pictures and filming for a commercial purposes without a written permission from the administrator,

  • Bringing and using any stimulants, and narcotics,

  • Smoking cigarettes,

  • Bringing weapons, ammunition, explosives, corrosive substances, fetid, dangerous substances, including inflammable and inconvenient ones,

  • Using eletronic devices on the Ice Rink Complex,

  • Skating with backpacks,

  • Staying on the ice while wearing footwear other than designed for ice skating,

  • Walking with skates on outside of the places lined with rubber floor,

  • Sitting on bands, safety mattresses, entering the ice rinks outside of the designated areas,

  • Eating and drinking in the ice rink area,

  • Damaging surface of the ice,

  • Damaging devices and equipment, cluttering and dirtying the Ice Rink Complex,

  • Creating situations that are dangerous to other users, i.a.: Upstream skating, poking others, cutting track, racing, jumping, making fierce movements, rapid braking, playing dangerous games,

  • Entering the venue with pets,

  • Skating while holding children in the arms.

  • Stay of unauthorized people on the ice during process of maintenance being executed by staff of the venue.

    10. Outer clothing, and shoes must be left in locker rooms. Locker room rules are available in part V of this document.

11. Purchase of the tickets or a pass equals acceptance of these Rules & Regulations.




1. Payment for use of the venue is charged in advance for a full time of stay accordingly to the valid price list. In case of a shorter stay, payment is not being refunded.

2. Ticket offices at the venue start working half an hour before the opening.

3. Ticket offices are being closed half an hour before the end of the venue's public availability.

4. Rules of ticket service are defined by a separate document.

5. Other fees for use of the venue are charged at the reception desk, opening hours 8.00-20.00.



1. Only people with valid ticket/pass have right to enter the venue. Ticket/pass must be kept in order to show it to the staff for a whole time of using the venue.

2. You use the venue at your own risk and responsibility. The Administrator is not responsible for any damage resulted from using the roller rink, tied to a risk that comes with playing this sport both profesionally and as an amateur.

3. Only people with a proper equipment, who ice skate profesionally or amateurishly may use the Ice Rink complex.

4. The Arena can be used only by:

  • Sport clubs & organizations, sections under supervision of a coaches / instructors,

  • Children and youth under supervision of a teachers / instructors,

  • Educational establishments,

  • Social associations & foundations,

  • Workplaces,

  • Natural people,

  • Children under age of 9, only under supervision of an adult


5. People that are banned from use of The Arena:

  • People under the influence of alcohol, or narcotics. In case of a suspicion that the person is under the influence of aforementioned substances, the staff has right to refuse entering The Arena, or demand that person to leave the building, with no right to refunds,

  • People behaving in a way that is endangering to the safety of other users,

6. Entrance to The Ice Rink Complex can be temporarily witheld in case the upper limit of the users is reached.

7. Users of The Arena must:

- Leave The Ice Rink Complex immediately after the end of use of the rink, or after the end of sport courses in organized groups, or sport practices

  • Keep the commanded direction of skating,

  • Exercise the caution while entering/leaving The Ice Rink Complex,

8. Children under age of 9 may use The Ice Rink Complex only under supervision of parents, adult carers, guardians or other statutory representatives, or other adults permitted by aforementioned people.

9. In concern about safety and maximal protection of the body, it is advised for children and youth to skate in a protective helmets and bracers on elbow and knee-joints,

10. We advise to exercise the caution for people wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses. The use of aforementioned takes place only on the own risk and responsibility of the user.

11. Only people with no health contraindications against recreational ice skating can use The Arena.

12. Users agree for memorization, and charge free, unlimited in time, use by Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu sp. z o.o. Of Their image memorized while staying at The Arena Lodowa in Tomaszów, including practice sessions, and sport courses.

I agree for use of my image in form of a photography (digital or analog), and film on a websites run by Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, and on a Facebook profile of aforementioned company, in order to promote the company, the arena Arena Lodowa in Tomaszów Mazowiecki, and other events taking place in this arena.



1. The group guardians are responsible for an organized school groups, whereas coaches/instructors of speed skating teams are fully responsible for organization of speed skating practices.

2. Person using the Ice Rink Complex takes a full responsibility which comes with ice skating amateurishly.

3. Users of the venue must obey the communicates and commands from the law enforcements, and staff of the venue.

4. In case of distressing fettle changes, a person must intermit their stay at the track, and notify staff of the venue.

5. A marked first premedical aid post is located at the ice rink entrance, in the room P.0.12.

6. Staff of the venue must be immediately notified about any dangers, or damages of the track that may endanger other users.

7. People, whose actions caused destruction or damage to the layout and equipment, are taking a full corporeal responsibility for the damages.

In case of minors, their parents or guardians take such a responsibility.

8. The administrator does not take responsibility for an items left with no supervision in the venue. Bags, backpaks and other items left in a places that are not intended for that purpose will be immediately removed by the administrator. The person leaving such an items bears all the costs related to their removal.

9. In case of theft, the staff of the venue must be noticed immediately.

10. Running a commercial activity, placing advertisements, announcements, marketing campaigns requires being notified to the administrator and obtaining a written permission from him, otherwise shall be declared null and void.



1. There are locker-rooms at the venue, that may be used by all users of the ice rink, including an organized groups.

2. The Locker-Room works during opening hours of the venue.

3. Outter clothes and shoes are kept in the locker-room while using the venue. Users must take all of their possesions after the end of use, and return the key to the locker.

4. The administrator takes responsibility only for items left in lockers that were locked with a key. Losing the key releases the administrator from any responsibility for items left in the locker-room. The administrator does not take any responsibility for items left in open lockers and on hangers.

5. Keys to the lockers are available at the rental office. Caution and fee are being charged for releasing the key.

6. You must not leave valuable items, i.a.: cash, jewelry and other expenses, electronic devices, especially: portable computers, photo cameras, cell phones, watches etc.

7. Leaving aforementioned items is an infringement of the rules. Person leaving such items does it at their own risk and takes full responsibility for such actions. The administrator does not take responsibility for items lost in the venue, including lockers locked with a key.

8. Losing or destruction of a key copes with obligatory additional payment of 25zł in order to repay a lock change.

9. The Administrator empties out all of the locker-rooms and lockers each day after the end of Arena's service. The Administrator does not take responsibility for the items left. Collection of aforementioned items will take place at the reception desk of The Arena.

10. The Administrator charges additional fee of 10zł for leaving items in a locker and not returning the key on the day of obtaining it.



1. Complaints and conclusions shall be submitted at the reception desk of Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu sp. z o.o, via telephone number +48 44 307 09 95 between 8.00 and 16.00, or via e-mail:

2. Any claims resulting from not applying to these rules will not be considered.

3. In cases that are not settled by these rules all decisions are made by The President of Tomaszowskie Centrum Sportu sp. z o.o.

4. The Rules & Regulations come into force on the day of signing.

5. The Rules & Regulations will be published by hanging up on the walls of the venue, and on the website of the administrator.


Tomaszów Maz. October 12th 2018





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